Solar Terms for the month of Geng Xu Metal Dog (October) in the year of Ren Yin Water Tiger (2022).

When looking at the 24 Solar Terms of the Chinese calendar, it will be helpful if you distinguish between the Five Elements Qi of the Solar Terms in the calendar, and the Qi of the Five Elements of actual physical nature in real life. It is only at the geographical location around the Northern latitude marker of the Tropic of Cancer that we see a close sychronicity between the calendar and the weather. 

Elsewhere on the earth globe, like at the Equator where Singapore is located, we only experience a tropical weather system with just 2 types of seasons - "Hot" and "Hot and Wet", locally influenced by tropical monsoons. In contrast, the temperate countries experience the 4 seasons. 

The Five Elements Theory is applied to the Chinese calendar system and also to nature, and it is important to not mix up the two and infer that both have to, or will be the same. 

Metal Dog month starts: 8th of October, 2022 from 15:22 hours
Mid Point of the month: 23rd of October, 2022 from 18:35 hours

Elements of the Metal Dog month: Metal, Earth, Fire
Elements of the Water Tiger year: Water, Wood, Earth, Fire