
Karaniyametta Sutta | Chanting


Wu Wei 无为 Letting Things Happen

无为 無為 wú wéi "Letting Things Happen"

Heart Sutra in Japanese language

般若心経/Heart Sutra (heart of wisdom) Found this music video on You Tube to be pleasing to my mind when I work, and so am sharing it with you on this blog site. Have addded it also to my Spotify list. Have a look at the comments on the Youtube video and you can see that people who appreciated this work of art are not just those who identify as Buddhists. Just sharing my personal experience listening to this piece of music.  The chant words are as follows: 般若心経 Heart Sutra ma ka han nya ha ra mi ta shin gyo 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経 kan ji zai bo sa  gyo jin han nya ha ra mi ta ji 観自在菩薩  行深般若波羅蜜多時 sho ken go on kai ku  do is-sai ku yaku 照見五蘊皆空  度一切苦厄  sha ri shi shiki fu i ku  ku fu i shiki 舍利子  色不異空  空不異色   shiki soku ze ku  ku soku ze shiki 色即是空  空即是色   ju so gyo shiki yaku bu nyo ze  sha ri shi 受想行識亦復如是  舍利子  ze sho ho ku so  fu sho fu metsu 是諸法空相  不生不滅 fu ku fu jo  fu zo fu gen  ze ko ku chu  mu shiki  不垢不浄 ...

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